All the best wishing whatsapp viral script for blogger free download

All The Best WhatsApp viral script

Hello friends, today I give you "All the best wishing" WhatsApp viral script for blogger free download.

This WhatsApp viral share script is ever shared so you can share it anytime, due to this you can earn more from it.

If you want to earn more, so you can use Popads ad network.

Join Popads ad network- click here

If you want to earn from affiliate programs, then use Cuelink.

To join cuelink - click here

Some edits necessary in script's HTML to make this script yours:-

* Put your website URL at the place of " Your website URL" in Html.

*Put ADs code below the text written as
<---Your Ad code--->.

To edit this script from mobile phone download Quickedit app:- click here

Features of this script:-

*ads friendly

*Whatsapp Share button available

*Fast loading and easy coded

*Facebook and Twitter meta tag

*Easily replaceable images

*Easy Installation.

Want a demo:- click here

To download script click on the download given below:-

Don't forget to share this post

6 टिप्‍पणियां:

  1. Sir I want a Small help I want whatsapp 5 or 10 time click open a new page in the invite page lick I want that button code only after 5 time button click open new landing page link

    How do this

    जवाब देंहटाएं
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    जवाब देंहटाएं
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    जवाब देंहटाएं

Blogger द्वारा संचालित.