Top 7 Audio book summary YouTube channels

Audio Book summary,GIGL, Great Idea Great Life,Yebook,Desire Hindi,Better than before,Kishan Chotalia, Seeken,We read,App,health,Life,Quality of life, Knowledge,Book, free books, free audiobooks

Why Audio book summaries?

Audiobook summaries help you to gain knowledge for improving your life's quality from successful people's experience.
It also motivates you to reading books and gaining knowledge.

#1.Great Idea Great Life:- It is an audiobook summary YouTube channel which is also famous by the name of GIGL.

This channel has also an app where they publish a new audiobook summary per week in Hindi. GIGL App is fully free for the public.
To download this app click here then wait 5 seconds and click on skip.

You can also check their website to read audiobook summary in English for Free.

GIGL YouTube channel- click here

#2.Yebook:- It is an audiobook summary YouTube channel which provides audiobook summary animated videos on YouTube and this channel also own an Audiobook summary App in which they upload an audiobook summary per day.

Yebook app gives you three-day free trial then charge some money.
To download Yebook App click here then wait for 5second and click on skip.

 You can also check their website to read audiobook summary in English for Free.

Yebook YouTube channel- click here

#3.SeeKen:- It is also a YouTube channel for Audiobook summary. They provide Hindi audiobook summary.

They mostly provide audiobook summaries of books related to life, health, business etc.

Their words are ''improve quality of your life by gaining knowledge from mentor and books.''

Seeken YouTube channel:- click here

#4. We Read:- It is also a YouTube channel for Audiobook summary which provide audio book summaries videos but very interesting fact of this channel is that they also provide tips from Holy Book Bhagvat Geeta.

This channel also available in Bangla version.

We Read Hindi YouTube channel:- click here
We Read Bangla YouTube channel:- click here

#5.Kishan Chotaliya:- It is also a YouTube channel for Audiobook summary. They also provide Audiobook summary in Hindi.

They provide audiobook summaries on topics like as self-improvement, habits & productivity, business & marketing etc.

Kishan Chotaliya YouTube channel:- click here

#6.Desire Hindi:- It is also a YouTube channel for Audiobook summary.

 They are also selling audiobook summaries' CD which contain very useful contents for you.

Desire Hindi YouTube channel:- click here

#7.Better Than Before:- It is also a YouTube channel for Audiobook summary which contain mostly business book summary videos.

Their website is where they publish business, self-help and psychology book summaries for free.

Better Than Before YouTube channel:- click here

                  **My Experience**

My experience with all these says that they all are very helpful channels in everyone life. I also try all these channels and they always help me. So I suggest you to try all of these channels to improve your life's quality.

                   **Thank You**

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3 टिप्‍पणियां:

  1. BooksBrain :- It is also a YouTube channel for Audiobook summary. They provide Hindi audiobook summary. They mostly provide audiobook summaries of books related to life, health, business etc

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